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arquivo vivo sp, 2015

Open call, workshop and exhibition


Residents of São Paulo were invited to send one to five images that illustrate their views of the city, real or imaginary, physical or emotional, historic or artistic, or of any other nature. These images were then printed and used as material for the workshop, were participants discussed different criteria to display them on seven panels measuring 60 x 40 inches each. Similar to pages in a book, the panels were organized based on the following themes: cityscapes, architecture, street life, graffiti, nature, transportation, self-portrait, celebrations and abstraction. Arquivo Vivo shows life in the city from within, and as a result offers a multilayered portrait of São Paulo today. Exhibited in conjunction with Projetos 2000-2014 at Senac from March 16 to May 15, 2015. Photography by Luciara Garcia.







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